Although the construction business has become much safer in recent decades, it is still one of the most dangerous professions to work in. The construction industry accounts for construction injuries statistics for 20% of all workplace deaths.
As a result, contractors must take advantage of every opportunity to ensure that job safety remains a top priority. Because investing in health and safety initiatives may save businesses money while simultaneously increasing worker productivity and, more significantly, saving lives.
Here are eight construction injuries statistics demonstrating the importance of job safety in the building industry.
1. Fatal accidents are more common in small construction enterprises.
Smaller businesses may not always have the resources to provide adequate training and enforce strict safety precautions. Perhaps this explains why nearly half of all construction fatalities occur in businesses with less than ten employees or among self-employed individuals.
2. Only four types of accidents account for the vast majority of construction worker deaths.
Falls, being struck by an object (such as a piece of heavy equipment), electrocution, and being caught in or pinned between two objects account for 59.9% of construction injuries statistics of private-sector construction worker fatalities.
3. If a worker works in the construction business, he is more likely to die from a fall.
The construction industry accounts for 51% of all fatal workplace falls. While this is unsurprising given the large number of construction employees who spend their days balancing on scaffolding or climbing in and out of big gear, it serves as a reminder that fall prevention training should be a primary component of any company's safety program.
4. Construction workers have a one-in-200 probability of dying as a result of a workplace accident.
Construction workers with an average of 45 years in the sector have a one in 200 probability of dying in a work-related accident. This statistic serves as a timely reminder that danger never sleeps, and neither should safety checks. Therefore, workers must maintain constant vigilance.

5. There is a 10% possibility that a construction worker may harm themselves on the job this year.
Fatalities are awful, yet they are nonetheless uncommon. What's more prevalent, however, is the slew of non-fatal injuries that occur regularly on construction sites. Construction sites have a risk of non-fatal injuries 71 percent greater than in other industries. Every year, one out of every ten construction employees is involved in an accident.
6. Medical expenses aren't the only high-cost item.
Workman's compensation claims are, without a doubt, costly for businesses. For example, the average hospital expense for a construction company after a fatal accident is $991,027. However, medical payments are only one of the many costs linked with workplace injuries. For example, injuries harm productivity, costing American businesses 104 million production days in 2017. Furthermore, according to Safety & Health Magazine, the indirect costs of injuries can be up to 17 times higher than the direct expenses.
7. Safety precautions save tens of thousands of dollars.
The most excellent approach to save money on workplace injuries is to avoid them entirely. For each injury avoided, construction businesses can save an average of $32,000. Furthermore, to make a 3% profit, a construction company must sell an additional $1,667,000 in services for every $50,000 lost due to injury, illness, or damage. Investing in company safety training, on the other hand, has been shown to save a lot of money in studies. A corporation gets $8 for every dollar it spends on a health and safety program.
8. Across the country, workplace-related industries and deaths are on the decline.
While these figures present a bleak image of the construction industry, some good news is. In the United States, the rate of on-the-job injuries and fatalities decreases across the board. Moreover, crane-related occupational fatalities fell to a new low in 2017, with only 33 deaths. In addition, construction injuries statistics had decreased since 1972, when there were 10.9 incidences per 100 employees. There were 2.8 per 100 workers in 2017.
While accidents may inevitably occur, construction companies can ensure that they are kept to a bare minimum by conducting regular inspections and holding frequent training and safety meetings. This idea will keep personnel safe and increase productivity and reduce costs for the organization. Everyone benefits when employees are safe, healthy, and happy.
Source: Blue Diamond