Heavy equipment remote monitoring systems have many advantages. Telematics are crucial for managing a fleet, keeping track of maintenance, boosting output and revenues, and other tasks. For many years, the SiteWatch system on CASE Construction Equipment machines has set the standard for robust telematics capabilities. However, technology must constantly adapt to the changes, which is why CASE just unveiled an enhanced version of its SiteWatch telematics platform. Take a look at CASE new SiteWatch telematics platform that will blow your mind.

The CASE New SiteWatch Telematics at a Glance

The new SiteWatch telematics platform places a stronger emphasis on usability. Furthermore, the dashboard has been updated with more user-friendly navigation. And an overview section that puts essential information front and center, removing the need to search for it. Whether accessible from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or another mobile device, additional crucial information is quickly and easily found with just a few clicks.

The new dashboard has a prominent main navigation menu that runs horizontally across the top. Below it, five widgets-including an equipment overview, an equipment search, fuel level reports, and alarm status-display critical operational data. In addition, essential information, including those on equipment use, fuel consumption, maintenance, and more, is easily accessible through a straightforward dropdown menu. On the topline menu buttons, the user can access fleet and maintenance overviews immediately after this.

On many CASE machines, the SiteWatch remote monitoring technology is included as standard for three years. In addition, it is compatible with mixed fleets because it complies with the Association of Equipment Management Professionals 2.0 telematics standard.

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Source: trekkergroup

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