The construction and heavy machinery industries are typically male-dominated workplaces. But this is beginning to change - in the front lines of construction sites and behind the scenes of immense construction and heavy machinery companies. More women in construction industry are helping to "manage the show." In roles ranging from CEOs and IT managers to customer service representatives and facility operators - and everything in between.

Currently, according to U.S. Pat. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up only 10.3% of construction workers. But as construction projects across North America grow, the need to fill positions will also help companies recruit more diverse groups and shift gender imbalances to women.

The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), suitable for the week before International Women's Day on March 8, is organizing a "Women's Construction Week" from March 1 to 7 to promote women as a practical part of the construction industry. WIC Week also provides thousands of NAWIC members across the country to learn about women's opportunities in construction and highlight the growing role of women in the industry.

Women Joining the Construction Industry

In fact, with the current growth in construction and the demand for skilled workers. According to Big Rentz, people expect the women to make up only 46% of the industry in two short years.

Ritchie Bros. (including IronPlanet and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers) is one of the companies that helps promote gender reassignment in the industry. From our auction sites to our corporate and operations offices, you will find women in various roles. For example, our CEO Ann Fandozzi, CFO Sharon Driscoll, and CIO Marianne Marck. And throughout the organization, you'll find women from all walks of life working in IT.

And even though the number of women entrepreneurs at 2.5% is still minimal, it's clear that the wave is back. With so many women in leadership roles, the door for women in this sector is pushing hard.

Source: IronPlanet

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