This article talks about the eight ways to avoid job site injuries, brace your cells to learn more about safety. But before going into the best part, let's talk about the top three causes of workplace fatalities, according to OSHA:

  • Backovers or runovers (48 percent )
  • Collisions between vehicles (14 percent )
  • Equipment has hit or pinned people (14 percent )
  • Although reviewing heavy equipment safety advice may seem repetitive, as the figures above show, fatalities may and do occur, even among the most experienced equipment users. To keep yourself and your team safe, it's critical to study basic operator rules and instructions on a regular basis.

The following is a list of how to avoid jobsite injuries when operating heavy machinery:

1. Before using the equipment, make sure it's in good working order.

Conduct daily inspections with vigilance. At least once a day, conduct an equipment walk-around, making sure to inspect all of the components on your checklist, including oil levels and hydraulic hoses.

2. Plan ahead of time to locate electrical lines and subsurface utilities.

Take the time to double-check that all power lines and low clearance objects have been identified when you arrive at a new job site. Also, check for color-coded paint and flags on subsurface utilities such as water, gas, sewer, and electric lines.

3. When mounting and dismounting equipment, be cautious.

Falls that occur when a worker steps on and off equipment, according to OSHA, are the most common cause of harm. When mounting and dismounting, keep three contact points in mind; never jump.

4. Always buckle up.

Wearing a seatbelt in a slow-moving vehicle may seem unnecessary. Still, it's a quick and straightforward safety precaution to make-buckling up takes only a few seconds-and it can keep you safe in the event of a rollover.

5. Keep an eye out for blind spots.

It's critical to double-check that no one is following you or standing in your blind zones before you start using the equipment. Enlist the help of a spotter or exit the machine to inspect for yourself, but never assume the coast is clear. Make any coworkers aware of your blind spots and request that they make eye contact with you before approaching the machine. Also, remind any visitors to the job site that their luminous safety vests must be worn at all times.

6. Communicate via a radio or hand signals.

Use a spotter trained in the proper hand signals if you don't have a two-way radio on hand.

7. When loading and unloading the equipment, be cautious.

When unloading and loading equipment, make sure you're on level ground. This reduces the possibility of equipment rolling over or sliding off slopes. Also, ensure the area is clear of people and that a spotter is nearby to assist.

8. Be aware of load limits.

Load restrictions on different machines might vary dramatically. Therefore be aware of each machine's limit before and throughout the operation.

Source: Blue Diamond

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