This article will talk about facts about light towers. So, what exactly is a light tower? Light towers are versatile lighting arrangements containing a variety of electric lights attached to the highest point of a pole. Light towers are efficient to focus the light on an assigned region. Moreover, the pole connects to a trailer-like base that fills in as an anchor to adjust the tower, permitting the unit to tow it from one site to another.

Before the revelation of electricity, the most famous and unmistakable light towers were famous lighthouses high on the beach on shores all over the planet. Furthermore, these massive constructions have been around for many years and initially utilized fire to make light. After some time, lighthouses were retrofitted with electric lights. Various lighthouses are as yet in activity today.

American urban communities looked for a speedy and economical method for lighting their roads around the evening during the 1800s. In addition, urban communities' methodology to address this issue was to raise lumbering "moon towers"- oil derrick-like designs with an intense light on top that attempted to wash whole towns in a moonlike sparkle.

As the gas-powered motor improved during the early and mid-twentieth century, technology was joined with the first plan of light towers. Furthermore, they developed into convenient light towers and stay an essential part of work destinations and different uses today.


The way of a power source that produces power for the lights and the plan of the base characterizes the kind of light tower. In addition, any have enormous heavy trailer bases, while others utilize miniature cart-like bases. Types of light towers include:

  • Internal combustion engine-powered models such as compact standard duty, compact heavy-duty, and heavy industrial duty.
  • Battery-powered.
  • Solar-powered units contain a battery or multiple batteries to store solar power generated during the day.
  • Portable lighting carts with a small base and compact generator utilizing a shorter mast, allowing movement without hitching the apparatus to a vehicle.

The trailer or cart-like base of the light towers contains a battery cluster or a gas-powered motor filled with diesel, fuel, petroleum gas, or propane. Generators are set up to give voltage to the lights. The generator accepts its power from a motor or batteries. The electricity streams from the generator to electrical cables situated along the pole and associated with the light or series of lights. Different battery-powered models come furnished with solar panels mounted on the base. The sunlight arrays are fit for gathering and storing sufficient energy during the day to power the lights during an entire evening.

Features of Light Towers

The most specific aspects of the light tower are the height of its pole and the power of its lights. The mix of the two details decides the area of illumination and intensity of light required inside a specific space. The power source decides the time allotment lighting will endure before refueling or re-energizing. Extra power choices, like solar panels, broaden use past the essential power source.

Choices to raise and lower poles are accessible. There are a few types of this element, like frameworks of folding posts or inflating and deflating air-based poles. Many sizes of light towers are accessible, which decides its transportability attributes. In addition, enormous light towers have a trailer chassis with a hitch and interstate prepared tires. Medium to minor units contains coordinated carts that are manually moveable.


Light towers are a vital accessory for the construction industry. Crews can work in different shifts where external light is essential. In addition, light towers are a fundamental piece of jobs efficient in remote or challenging to reach areas, like:

  • Road Repair and Construction
  • Railroad tracks
  • Wind towers
  • Tunnels

Lighting towers serve a significant capacity for military use in forwarding operating bases (FOB). In addition, significant games use light towers when extra safety measures are considered for expanded pedestrian traffic inside the venue or outside the location. Furthermore, transportation improvement projects require light towers for late evening work performed during little traffic times.

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