Some of the most critical equipment and heavy machinery in any workplace are hydraulic breakers and excavators, and other carriers that operate them. If your breakers can't do their job safely and efficiently, so can your crew. So, it is essential to know the guides and tips when matching hydraulic breakers and carriers.

Proper integration of hydraulic breakers with a suitable carrier is crucial for ensuring safety and productivity. So here are some tips to help you do it right.

Check Carrier and Breaker Details

Of course, you will need an excavator of the right size like any other carrier with the ability to handle a used hydraulic breaker attachment. This includes selecting a carrier with sufficient hydraulic power that meets the job's requirements. Also, consider the operating and tilting weight of the carrier, load capacity, arm and boom length, and hydraulic flow characteristics.

If you use a breaker that is too large or heavy for the carrier, excessive damage to the carrier will occur. This can significantly affect the performance and life of the machine over time. It is also not safe for the excavator operator and any workers in the area.

Additionally, be mindful of the potential for undue wear on breakers if a carrier doesn't operate them with suitable hydraulic flow characteristics. The newer generation of hydraulic breakers indeed has fewer moving parts and components than earlier models-and this makes them considerably more durable-but an appropriate carrier match still matters.

Use the Right Coupler

You don't want your operators to fight and waste time trying to attach a hydraulic breaker to an excavator or other type of carrier or trying to operate it. The proper coupling ensures easy use and safe and efficient demolition work.

Today's high-quality quick couplers are a good investment. They are even allowing operators to install breakers to carriers without getting out of the engine cab. But, first, it is essential to check the joints and surrounding areas for structures that could cause damage to the carrier.


Regular preventive maintenance and service are essential for safe and efficient hydraulic breakers and carriers and maximum life extension. Always follow the maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer. Remember that this is usually affected by working hours, so refer to the manual for each machine and accessory.

Also, ensure that all operators know the weight restrictions and other requirements for the breakers and carriers they use. This is important for the stability of the machine and the safety of workers.

Talk to Your Dealer

You can find all the information you need in the manual and attachments for the knowledge and employees of dealers. Talk to your dealer about the best way in matching hydraulic breakers and carriers for your specific work.

Here in Interstate Heavy Equipment, we will assure you that you work with equipment that extends your safety. Our factory-educated technology is also the best for avoiding dangerous conditions and maximizing productivity and machinery. We are looking forward to working with you!

Source: TrekkerGroup

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