Construction equipment is a must for almost all construction projects. However, it can be hazardous if operators don't use it properly. Rolling over, being hit by accidents, and being caught in-between accidents are the most common ways workers can get injured. When working with heavy equipment on site, follow these construction equipment safety tips to ensure you stay productive:

Train Equipment Operators

Construction industries must train workers in the correct techniques to safely use all the equipment they work with. The training should be a combination of classroom and practical instruction. Topics should include construction equipment safety tips, hazard identification, equipment safety features, and safe maneuvering of heavy equipment.

Workers should train on how to mount and dismount safely and the proper start-up of each machinery. They must have a clear understanding of the lift and charge capacity of the equipment on which they are working. Training and refresher courses should be conducted if the worker is assessed that the equipment is unsafe. The personnel may be the ones to operate the heavy equipment.

Inspect Equipment Before Use

Visually inspect heavy equipment before use to ensure that it is in good working order. Inspect tires and belts for wear and damage. At a minimum, you should check fluid levels such as engine oil and hydraulic fluid and oil levels every day before starting the machine for the first time. Inspect hydraulic hoses, buckets, arms, and other components for cracks and damage. Make sure to securely lock all the attachments.

When setting up the device, ensure that the lights, meters, horn, and backup alarms are working correctly. Ensure that all arms, shovels, buckets, etc., are entirely within reach in all directions. As the cab rotates, check that it can rotate in all directions. Do not use a device that is not working correctly or appears to have damage. Not only can you further damage the machine, but if you can't repair it before use, it can be a severe safety issue.

Keep the Area Clear

You can close the room to prevent workers from approaching the control device accidentally. If you move or operate the equipment near workers, use an observation device, radio, or hand signals to clear the blind spots. This is especially important when making a backup copy. Yes, devices have backup alarms, but they often ignore construction sites due to overpopulation.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When operating heavy machinery, keep in mind the area you work and any obstacles you may encounter. For example, overhead power lines must disconnect from the power supply or create barriers to prevent contact with them if this is not possible. When digging, make sure to mark all underground facilities, such as sewage, water, gas, and electricity, so that they are not damaged and slowed down and work hard.

Whenever possible, you should avoid working in areas where heavy machinery works. In addition, operators should be aware of their turning radius, especially when working in confined spaces, so as not to come across other workers, bystanders, or other cars or equipment.

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