Why do we need specific forestry attachments? For several decades, forestry has become a massive sector reliant on rugged and durable machines. Over the last ten years, there has been a significant increase in upgrading existing attachments compared to new tools and gadgets that operate well in all settings. Whatever your needs are, you’ll be able to locate a suitable attachment to help you complete your task quickly.

Heavy equipment, as well as its attachment accessories, abound on the market nowadays. Whatever you’re looking for should be an item that meets your requirements and even your budget. We’ve highlighted some valuable attachments that operate well and produce professional results below.

Tree Shears

A tree shear is a hydraulic attachment efficient to fell and delimb trees. It’s flexible and effective equipment that can cut trees from all sides. This attachment is valuable for site clearing firms of all sizes and capabilities worldwide. The more modern tree shears can cut down large-diameter trees. There is no faster or more reliable method for mechanically felling trees than employing tree shears for timber harvesting or land management. This tool cuts and handles wood while causing the least amount of ground disturbance. It also eliminates the need for grounds crews to touch and feel the wood or work at high elevations.

When dealing with unhealthy or dead trees, mechanical falling is unquestionably faster and safer than entrusting the operation to human labor. As a result of the lower labor expenses, this instrument improves your return on investment (Return On Investment). Because this attachment eliminates the need for extensive usage of chainsaws and humans, more dangerous clearances by buildings or bodies of water can be approached strategically and safely using the excavator’s reach. The forestry industry can consistently achieve fantastic outcomes from forestry attachments.

In terms of construction, it’s built of high-tensile wear-resistant steel with an extra-reinforced body for sturdy mounting. Heavy-duty, powerful cutters with lubricating caps are available in more advanced variants. A backrest option is also available for a small additional fee.

Log Grabs

The PW Series results from a groundbreaking effort to broaden CMB’s forestry equipment offering. They are incredibly adaptable, allowing for quick and safe tree and shrub cutting and collecting on flat terrain, hills, and swampy places. They’re also great at keeping roadsides and paths clean. They’re especially well-suited to large-scale collecting in wooded environments. The cutting mechanism is durable, and the materials utilized allow for minor equipment wear and maintenance. The operators can also utilize the equipment to handle logs, thanks to the picker arm. The blade change is simple and quick, allowing for little machine downtime.

The MW Series tree shears, which come with an oscillating chainsaw unit, are explicitly for safe tree felling and branch clearance. It’s ideal for use on slopes, riversides, swamplands, transportation corridors, and railways.

The attachment includes a chainsaw, springy suspension, and a tilting device that protects the chainsaw bar throughout the cutting process. It is available in two versions: “MW580 short,” which has a single gripper and is appropriate for telescopic handlers or track excavators, and “MW580 full,” which has a twin gripper. The MW Series can cut diameters up to 750mm and offers excellent productivity in felling and reducing already cut trunks thanks to its speed. 

Source: micoequipment

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