Many sling tags are efficient in heavy equipment for lifting and moving loads in construction and industrial areas. The most common are alloy chain loops and steel rope loops, which are prominent for their strength and durability. However, there are many other options, such as metal mesh loops, synthetic mesh loops, polyester loops, and high-performance loops.

Which type of pendulum best suits each situation depends on your industry and application. And you can configure them using hinges in a variety of ways. But, of course, using the suitable sling and configuration is not just a question of efficiency or effectiveness - it is a question of the safety of people and property on the construction site when it comes to lifting and moving this load.

This is why all straps must have labels that provide specific information on proper use. The strap manufacturer permanently affixes labels. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that each strap has a label attached to it and is legible. Also, you must abolish eyelashes without adding a legible mark.

Information Every Sling Tag Needs

Regardless of the type of pendulum, you must identify all pendulum labels:

Manufacturer's name or trademark

Size or diameter

The maximum load loop (s), including the sling (hooks) and the angle of this information, is indicated.

Number of legs (if more than one)

There is also some contact information for the manufacturer of the shuttle labels, such as the phone number or website address, so you can contact him with any questions. It usually includes a serial number or other code to identify the individual unit.

If the sling has already been repaired, it must have a pendulum tag showing the name of the company which was repaired, details of the nature of the repair, and the date on which the repair was completed.

Required Sling Tag Information

Alloy lashing labels must also indicate the chain's class, length, and nominal size. And it must have a unique lashing identification number, such as a serial number.

Synthetic rope sling tags must also identify the fiberglass material and must have a manufacturer's code or stock number.

Metal hinges must also have an individual hinge identification number (e.g., serial number)

Synthetic strap labels must also identify the fiberglass material and have a manufacturer's code or stock number.

Polyester round strap labels must also indicate the core material and the coating material (if different from the core material). It must have a manufacturer's code or stock number.

High-performance round strap labels must also identify the core material and the packaging material (if different from the core material) and must have the manufacturer's code as the stock number.

Source: trekkergroup

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