With these five compact excavator attachments, you can use your compact excavator to clean the soil, crush concrete, compact the soil, etc. We also introduce some tilt rotators, thumbs, and quick couplings to make operators' lives easier.

Here's a rundown of the 18 compact excavator attachments:

The Werk-Brau was excellent for leveling and digging practice to turn compact excavators into soil clearing or demolition machines. The multi-pointed rake attachment can be great for demolition debris collection, bush removal, root removal, material sorting, and other tasks. It is easy to add and has the exact angle of rotation and discharge as a standard shovel. Moreover, the lower part of the rake has a thin serration for greater grip strength. In addition, the company says that heavy-duty fingers are supported by reinforced plates and wedges between them for greater strength and stability.

RoadHog's MX Series Mini Excavator Planers

Have a direct-drive Geroler engine. They have a depth of cut of up to 5 inches to fit in 1-inch increments. These attachments are available for 12 or 16-inch width cutting. They attach the excavator using a pin or quick-release mounting system. It is designed for repairs of holes, lines in the sidewalk, repairs of the danger of travel and cold, and opening holes for pipe repairs. Optional drums are available for specific width needs; the company says


Offers a lightweight pallet fork attachment designed for excavators weighing 2 to 6 metric tons. In combination with the company's ECN206 tilting rotator, the attachment extends the work that the machines can handle. The company says it is also focusing on the growing demand for pallet forks for excavators, which "can be as simple as accessories as buckets on excavators." In addition, the forks are available in two versions, hydraulic or mechanical, and can handle a load of 2 tons. The standard length of the forks is 800 millimeters.

FAE RC Rock Cutter Attachment

For excavators starting at 2 tonnes, do a quick job of crushing stones and hard surfaces such as asphalt, bitumen, and concrete. Compact excavator attachments are 14.5 to 25 inches wide. The hydraulic piston engine with direct drive and automatic lubrication system eliminates daily maintenance. A safety cover protects the motor, and the anti-wear plates contribute to the long life of the drum support. Furthermore, drum teeth are interchangeable and include heavy stone teeth and other options.

Komatsu's G- and H-Series hydraulic breakers

The G-Series has a hybrid hydraulic flow and pressure design with a nitrogen-filled filter. The H series consists of battery circuit breakers that do not require nitrogen charges. Moreover, they have a sound-absorbing cover and a pressure regulator to prevent leakage. Komatsu uses power tools to remove drawbars to make the H-Series hammers more compact.

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