It's not all up to the operator to control the big machinery. Sometimes the male is the one signaling the operator and telling him to do what he wants. The operator relies more on indications from the person he can see when operating a crane. He cannot afford to act independently since he must focus precisely on those signals. Therefore, a high level of understanding between the operator and the person giving him crane hand signals is essential.
They ought to be on time with one another, and the operator should have no trouble understanding the signals from the person in front of him. He needs signals since he cannot make accurate judgments, which necessitates assistance. He doesn't require a partner to work alongside him. Instead, he needs a guide outside the cab to complete a task he cannot complete alone in the cabin.
An operator requires a man to give him crane hand signals.
When he has to load or unload a heavy object, but can't properly view the rear, the signaler needs the operator. He is, therefore, in need of a guide because he is unable to discern his chosen course. The hand gesture is the most popular and widely utilized type of signal. In this situation, the operator wants a person to direct him rather than rely on technology. He might not feel as at ease using a device, and if he doesn't feel at ease, he won't be able to do a crucial task accurately. Additionally, there needs to be good communication between the signaler and the receiver. If their coordination fails, it could have detrimental effects.

There should only be one signaler at any moment. There shouldn't be more than one person signaling the operator. If he receives several signals at once, he can become confused and have a disastrous outcome. Additionally, nobody should be assigned the task of signaling the operator. This task should only be given to someone qualified and aware of which signal denotes which meaning. The signaler should understand every sign because different motions have varied meanings. The operator should also be well-verse in signals to understand them clearly and respond appropriately.
If the signaler changes, they must notify the operator, and the signaler should wear the badge designating him as an authorized signaler. Each operator should assign a signaler for them. No matter who sends the signal, the operator should only respond to the STOP indication. Accidents will decrease if the alerts are efficient.
Source: heavyequipmentarticles